Friday, August 28, 2009

Alexis 9th BIRTHDAY

So this year for Alexis birthday she picked to go to hurricane harbor (as you can see its a water park) we left the morning of her birthday and got there about 12ish and stayed till closings she had so much fun here are some photos of our day there all mixed up but you all get the gist :)

here is our future bond girl

this is after we went down the tornado - Alexis and i got whipped around and our heads smacked but after it was all said and done - she would go back on it

here is my underwater shot that Alexis took

here is the underwater shot i took of her

Alexis at the beach

here is Scott's underwater picture

here is Scott and Alexis on the way don't they just look so excited

Alexis at the beach again

Alexis and Karisa while we were waiting in line

Karisa, Scott and i in line (Alexis is our photographer)

Alexis waiting in line

there are more photos but i just didn't want to upload all of them at one time it was a good day and we all enjoyed it

Saturday, July 18, 2009

swimming lessons

So 2 weeks ago Alexis started swimming lessons she did pretty good she even passed to the next level but we are going to repeat this level just to make sure it sticks with her so here are some pictures of her in the water
i know this doesn't look like much but an arm but she s moving alone
here she is taking her next breath

and another breath

she looks pretty good out there

her she is waiting for class to start with her lime green goggles on :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

here is mom and Alexis in the kitchen making the macaroni salad to take to the party

here is Alexis pretending to help mom in the kitchen

here i am relaxing in Scott's recliner

here is Scott and his go cart he made from scratch (he wanted it in the picture)
and last but not least here are me and Scott don't we look so happy or are we tired :)
Well for our 4th of July we decided to go to the 4th of July breakfast out in orcutt (mom, aunt Helen and Katy need to be there at 6am ouch) 1st ward was in charge and they had a pretty good spread this year - after the breakfast we went home to rest up for baby laila 2nd birthday party here are some pictures of us before heading over to the festivity